Submission Guidelines
Career Convergence is a monthly web magazine published by the National Career Development Association.
Readers and contributors are career development practitioners and educators.
Read details below before submitting an article.
Our readers are career development practitioners and educators. Articles should address trends, “how to”, best practices, case examples, overview of models, training opportunities and related career information that may be applicable to the daily work of practitioners and educators. Articles should fit in one of the magazine’s career development departments:
- Features - Broad and deeply applicable career development topics - what people are talking about!
- Independent Practice – For practitioners who balance diverse clients, skills and work
- Counselor Educators and Researchers - Advancing counselors' effectiveness by exploring and sharing strategies through teaching, research and supervision
- K-12 - The process and practice of career exploration for young adults, which covers elementary to middle/junior high and high school students
- Post-Secondary - Career development best practices and models for students at any level of post-secondary education, including community college, college, university, and vocational/technical
- Workplaces – Career development working in business/industry, agencies, government or any of the variety of areas of practice
- Tech Tips – Short lessons on some of the newest technology tools, trends, and apps, provided by the NCDA Technology Committee
- NCDA News - What's happening in our association.
Career Convergence welcomes articles with an international connection. (Use that phrase in the Search box to locate articles written by authors from around the globe or articles that cover global topics.).
Submissions to the web magazine should not address the job seeker or client directly, but rather the career professional who is trained (or training to) help people with their career development needs.
See additional details about each department below.
Authors are suggested to write in a practical/informative/positive style rather than overly technical, academic, or blog-like. It may be helpful to readers if articles include lists, bullets, tips, etc. Any links included should be active and appropriate (allowing the reader to dig-deeper, without detracting from the content). Use active voice, rather than passive, and use gender inclusive language (“he or she or they” rather than just “she”). Avoid jargon and colloquialisms, and spell out abbreviations on the first use. Use appropriate references, including any relevant references from the NCDA online Career Resource Store.
It is suggested that book reviews focus on the quality of the content, identify key points, and illustrate strengths and weaknesses for a balanced review. Be sure to explain why the book is unique and needed, as well as the strengths of the authors/editors. (Book reviews should include the full reference and the length in page numbers.)
Articles should follow the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual for citations/references – for help, see our Prototype Article Demonstrating CC Editing or the APA Style Blog or use a citation generator. Editors will work with potential authors to achieve compliance. See more about the adoption of APA Style 7th edition below.
Articles should be less than 950 words, not including title, abstract, and references. Authors should include a proposed title and abstract (up to 50 words) and a short bio (including relevant positions) with contact information (include e-mail and web links, if appropriate). Running head, margins, and line spacing do not matter, but please use Times New Roman font size 12 if possible. Articles may be submitted via e-mail, as either an MS Word file or pasted into the body of e-mail. Authors are welcome to submit (in an attachment) a high resolution professional-looking .jpg headshot photo for possible inclusion with their bio. Articles may be edited for space or clarity.
Authors are encouraged to discuss topics with an Editor in advance and expect edits after submission. Editorial criteria include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Audience Appeal (will the article be of interest to the reader, a career development practitioner or educator?),
- Practicality (can the information in the article be easily applied to help the reader do their work in the field of career development?),
- Content (do the ideas and facts represent accurate, professional information? do citations and resources support the content?),
- Reader Development (does the article encourage professional growth and affiliation with the association?).
In particular, Content should be of a professional nature, rather than commercial. Concentrated product promotion will not be accepted. Career Convergence has the right to, at its sole discretion, refuse any content that violates any NCDA policy or is in any way unprofessional, harmful, objectionable, or defamatory.
All work must be original. Authors should not submit articles that have been published or are being considered by another publication. All published material is copyrighted by NCDA. The author’s signature on our copyright transfer form is required. Reprint permission will be granted if submitted in writing to the editor. Submission implies acceptance of NCDA policy. No guarantee of publication is offered. Membership in NCDA is not required of authors. No compensation will be given for articles. Authors may receive 4 CEs for each publication – contact the Editor after publication for your certificate. Authors of published articles will be automatically emailed when Comments are posted; responses are encouraged. Social media sharing after publication is encouraged.
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) to support the work submitted by authors is to be cautiously undertaken, as the nature of AI is dynamic and not necessarily transparent. Any AI tools employed in the creation of a submission (e.g., large language models (LLMs), chatbots and image creators) must preserve the requirements of the publication, including but not limited to, originality, accuracy and professional integrity. Tools are the responsibility of the author to vet. Avoiding the generative use of AI, while cautiously considering editing use, is recommended.
Authors should email an Associate Editor in one of the career development departments to submit an article. Please do not submit the same article to multiple editors. If you are not sure which Associate Editor to contact or you want help with starting this process, use the list of Field Editors to begin a discussion about your submission. A list of all the Editors with contact information is linked on the Career Convergence home page.
We accept submissions on a rolling basis. Each department has a different queue and the sooner you submit an article (or draft/outline/idea) to an associate editor, the sooner you can get scheduled in the queue. While there is no guarantee that any submission will be accepted and published, we aim to accept, not reject. An Associate Editor will be happy to help you edit the article and prepare it for publication.
Questions may be directed to the Career Convergence Editor, Melanie Reinersman at
Career Convergence Adopts 7th Edition of APA Publication Manual
Beginning with the August 2020 issue of the web magazine, all published articles should follow the new 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual (2020). While not every aspect covering manuscript submissions is appropriate for the web magazine, potential authors are asked to note the citations, references and a few select other updates that are important to follow. The Career Convergence editorial team will assist authors in conforming to the new style.
There are many sources of information about the changes, including the APA site Anyone that has purchased the new publication can view the introduction to the 7th edition for a brief description of new content in the 7th edition. And here is a free APA Citation generator tool:
In particular, Chapters 4-10 will be most relevant to Career Convergence. For example, while bias-free language is essential, it is not necessary for submissions to Career Convergence use specific margins because the material will be published online. Similarly, Times New Roman font size 12 is appreciated, but not required. A few notable changes found in the 7th edition the web magazine editors will definitely be watching for are listed here:
- The singular “they” is endorsed, to be consistent with inclusive usage.
- Use one space after a period at the end of a sentence.
- Quotation marks are now used around a letter, word, phrase or sentence as a linguistic example, rather than italics, to promote accessibility (e.g., the letter “m”)
- Descriptive phrases using people-first language (e.g., “individuals living in poverty” rather than “the poor”)
- Use exact ranges (e.g., “ages 65-75” rather than “over 65”)
- All in-text citations for works with three or more authors are shortened to the name of the first author plus “et al.” (except where this would create ambiguity).
- The number of authors included in a reference entry has changed; up to 20 authors are now included before names are omitted with an ellipsis.
- The presentation of digital object identifiers (DOIs) and URLs has been standardized. Both are presented as hyperlinks; the label “DOI:” is no longer used, and the words “Retrieved from” are used only when a retrieval date is also needed.
- Book references now omit the publisher location.
Career Convergence still prefers a less formal writing style than journal articles. Editors will aim to be lenient and instructional rather than strict or unwelcoming toward authors. For example, submissions for an online publication do not really need running heads or title pages, and it is best to not include footnotes or author notes. It is understood that some submissions are from first-time authors, who may feel intimated about the publication style, and the change is not intended to dissuade or discourage potential submissions. Watch the web magazine for upcoming prototype articles posted in the Submission Guidelines section to showcase best submission examples. Please email any Career Convergence editor whenever assistance is needed. All submissions are appreciated for their support of the field of career development.
Associate Editors' Descriptions of Submission Suggestions for Each Department in the Web Magazine
This description of departmental submissions aims to help potential authors but there is no guarantee of publication. These are just suggestions. If you have questions or other ideas, please contact the department associate editor.
Broad and deeply applicable career development topics are covered in Features. Trends, hot topics, emerging issues - whatever people in our field are talking about needs to be written about for Features. Additionally, any aspect of career development that would apply to all other departments, could be published in Features as it would be interesting to all readers, including interventions, population-specific, disabilities, and counseling skills. Theoretical, practical, holistic, interdisciplinary... almost anything but basic is encouraged here. Adhering to the submission guidelines is key, and the co-associate editors aim to work with authors to make the article as strong as possible to be in Features.
The Counselor Educator and Researcher department invites submissions highlighting innovating pedagogy and research regarding career development and career counseling. This includes:
- Connecting theory to practice
- Innovative curriculum and career development practices
- Recommendations for tools, assessments, books and other materials which augment the instruction of career development courses in masters and doctoral counseling and psychology programs
- Work which highlights the frontiers of knowledge within our fields
- Submissions from NCDA Counselor Educator Academy.
The Independent Practice department welcomes articles that help private practitioners in career development better manage their businesses, serve clients more effectively, and grow as professionals. Our target audience includes counselors, coaches, consultants, and others in the career development arena who work independently. Topics related to practice management may address developing or growing an independent practice, as well as day-to-day operations or strategic planning, including contemporary factors such as technology and online presence. Topics regarding how we serve our clients might focus on theoretical perspectives and counseling or coaching approaches, as well as considerations for working with specific types of clients. We encourage contributors to think creatively beyond these topic categories to address, from a practical perspective, world of work trends, theory, tools and techniques, special populations, practitioner self-care, and other areas to help our readers learn and grow. For more ideas, refer to Don’t Burn the Candle at Both Ends: Crowdsourcing Our Practice Challenges and Solutions.
The K-12 section of the Career Convergence serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas and practices that will best serve the career counseling and development needs of school-age children in the U.S. This includes cutting edge ideas in the field, implementing goals practically, and informing the audience why they are particularly beneficial. We welcome articles that reflect the best practices of career practitioners and educators who are training them. Potential topics include but are not limited to:
- Issues, techniques and theories related to career counseling and development in the schools
- Strategies, skills, and activities developed or implemented in elementary, middle, and high schools
- Ethics and professional standards
- Career education
- Career information systems or technology/social media
- Competency-based credentials and professional competencies
- Career development of special needs populations and diverse populations
- Career development and family and relationships.
- Career assessment tools and assessment techniques (specifically those that provide improved/unique understanding of career intervention and decision-making processes)
Designed for career practitioners who work in two or four-year institutions, authors of post-secondary articles highlight best practices in college, technical institutes, or university settings. Writers will describe concrete recommendations, challenges, and opportunities based on these exemplary practices. Suitable topics advance NCDA's mission to empower students to achieve their career and life goals. Within the post-secondary context, this may include the choice of an academic major, participation in experiential learning, and the launch of one's career at the time of graduation, for example. Aspiring authors are invited to connect theory to practice, situate their recommendations within the literature, and browse the archives for launching points.
Covering career development practitioners working in business/industry, agencies, government or any of the variety of areas of practice, the workplaces department offers a wide view at providing services in a broad range of settings. Submissions may describe a program at a non-profit social service agency that can be replicated elsewhere or a new trend in human resources that affect job seekers. Topics such as workplace bias, remote work, multi-generational workforces and industry changes could apply to readers. Similarly, the Workplaces department reaches a wide audience including practitioners who serve current employees, the formerly incarcerated, military/vets/spouses, and international workers. These ideas are not meant to be limiting, but basic suggestions of the types of articles that could potentially be submitted to the Workplaces department in the future. Submission should aim to include relevant references, connect the abstract and the article to the audience, and be written in positive/supportive language.
Activities and accolades within our association fill the articles in this department. The work of constituency groups, committees, councils and the board are shared by members. Pride in the association and the desire to spread good news makes for coverage of the important topics that even non-members would want to know. The web magazine editor appreciates the eyes and ears of members to provide articles for this department, as well as the staff at headquarters.
The only area of the web magazine that is not a full article nor in need of solicited submissions is Tech Tips. Provided by the NCDA Technology Committee, the purpose is to help everyone in the field of career development work effectively and efficiently, using current technological options.
Benefits to being published in Career Convergence
- Contribute to the field
- it's a form of professional development
- Develop your personal and professional skills
- writing is a way of reflecting and learning
- Add to your credentials
- Obtain Continuing Education credits (CEs)
- ask the editor for four CEs per published article
- Market your expertise
- add to your resume and vita
- Increase your network
- readers and editors become a part of your network
- Start a valuable conversation
- ask questions of your reader; posted comments go directly to the author, associated editor and editor
- ask questions of your reader; posted comments go directly to the author, associated editor and editor
- Receive international recognition
- your name appears on the NCDA website, viewed by members and readers from coast-to-coast and internationally
- Promote yourself
- include details about yourself in your article's bio (photo optional)
- Publicize your employer
- marketing that your boss will appreciate
- Share your experiences
- others can learn from you
- Non-members demonstrate collaboration
- NCDA wants to partner with you
- Become eligible for the Career Convergence Recognition Award - awarded annually at the NCDA Conference (see the List of Winners)
Keys & Tips to Getting Published - and Hot Topics to Write About!
Keys to Getting Published:
- Read the publication
- Know the audience
- career development professionals working in a variety of settings
- Study the Submission Guidelines. Be aware of the AI Policy.
- Reflect: what can you share?
- you learn by writing, readers learn from you
- Communicate with an editor and follow-up
Tips for Authors - from the Editors!
- Can't get a full article written? We accept abstracts, drafts, ideas... Contact any one of us to brainstorm.
- Write in a non-academic style using actual examples to illustrate your point.
- Provide practical tips for the readers.
- List related NCDA materials, other professional associations and resources that can be helpful to the reader.
- Be careful about stating “always” or “never” in a judgmental nature. Be sensitive to diversity and needs of the readers.
- Stay close to the 950 word count limit. You are starting a conversation - more can be said later.
- Don't write a self-marketing article. See the Submission Guidelines for our policy on commercialism.
- You don't have to be an NCDA member to get published. After you are published we would welcome your membership – the many benefits are posted online!
- Remember, all editors are trying to balance each author's voice and writing style with the required practicality and clarity of the topic. We hope our edits are not offensive! We aim to publish, not reject!
- Feel encouraged if we provide comments. It means we are interested in your manuscript. Many times we do not hear from talented authors after we provide our first set of revisions.
- Ground your article in the literature and review the APA Publication Manual (7th ed). It does not need to be a full literature review, but citing a few sources is better than only anecdotal comments.
- Write professionally. This is a formal article, not a blog post.
Are you thinking about writing an article but don't know what to write about?
The editors are open to discussing ideas with you! Here is what they have recently brainstormed as possible topics – but the list is not exhaustive! Let us hear your ideas!
- re-hirement / returnship
- mental health
- the "political season"
- the impact of DEIB legislation
- emotional intelligence
- justice uncertainty
- chaos
- theory and the importance of its foundational component and application
- career counseling is a hot career! also: how to become a career counselor
Career Convergence welcomes articles with an international connection. (Use that phrase in the Search box to locate articles written by authors from around the globe or articles that cover global topics.)